
Wednesday, October 1, 2008


最近戈泰特接受了一家波兰最大的报纸的大型访谈,当然他们用的是波兰语,但是我会尽可能的翻译过来,因为这很值得一看。格泰特谈了大量的NBA内幕消息, 有关球队和他自己(还有波兰国家队的消息,但我想诸位看官可能不会很感兴趣)。虽然我的英语远远未到完美,但还是希望大家能喜欢。以下是原文链接:


“ 刚开始我并不在魔术的轮换阵容之中。我觉得教练对我没有信心,但是我和很多队友一起打过夏季联赛和季前赛,我觉得和他们比起来我并不是那么差,所以我并没 有失去信念。大概是在赛季中段的时候我感觉撑不住要崩溃了。要知道我每天训练5次,我的状况很好,然后在比赛时我穿着西装做在板凳席的后面。我觉得全场 2万人都在看着我和那套西装。那些日子很煎熬,但是我活过来了。几乎每一个新人都要经历这样的时光。


我 没有获得上场机会的原因是身体还没到能承受NBA级别的对抗的程度。我每天都和霍华德做对抗练习,只要一个小时就能让我筋疲力尽。对于我来说,他实在是太 强壮太有冲击力了,于是我开始健身,每周有4次我在健身房里头挥汗如雨。有时结束了健身真的很想回家,但是我为了其他的训练项目我不得不留下来继续。我会 从早上8点半开始健身一小时,配合不同的教练做不同的项目。然后是差不多一小时的个人训练,主要是内线脚步和投篮。最后是和球队的常规合练。有时还会去游 个泳。结束训练后在更衣室一坐下来常常觉得天旋地转,然后我会以最快的速度吃点水果,洗个澡,倒头就睡。



我 的NBA处子秀是在3月1日。那是对纽约尼克的比赛,当时队里有几个伤病,我坐在板凳席上想我的机会来了,当时的感觉很好。在比赛最后的时刻我进入赛场, 溜底线过了艾迪.库里,投中了我在NBA的第一球。说实在的,他那时很累了,而我正是精力充沛。但是整个板凳席还是沸腾了,每个人都在为我喝彩,那感觉太 棒了。我的妈妈也在观众席看着我。

我第一次看到沙克.奥尼尔是在对迈阿密热火的季前赛比赛之前。我们结束了训练而他们的将要开始。我打算 拜访一个来自德国的前队友。我那时正在打电话,隔着帘子看着球场的地板。突然沙克跑到了附近的篮圈边上。他看起来仿佛和整个篮架一般大。他看到了我并警告 我在比赛的时候要小心他的大肘子。但是后来他没有上场,我最终没有得到和他同台竞技的机会。

因为对新人的“照顾”,我闹了很多笑话。在我 们第一场季前赛之前,杰米尔和德怀特让我第一个从休息室里出去站到场上,于是我一个人跑到了场地中央,但是他们把队里其他的人留在了过道里。我一个人孤零 零的面对着1万8千名观众,而他们却笑得前仰后合。我感到很不好意思但是这让我觉得我是这里的一份子。

有一次在慈善活动中,德怀特竟然宣 布其中的一个奖励是和波兰新秀跳一支舞。幸好是一个女人赢得了这个奖励,而不是某个伙计,而且还是个挺漂亮的女人。我们跳舞的音乐旋律来自“泰坦尼克号 ”。还有一次他们逼迫我在德怀特的生日晚会上唱“祝你生日快乐”。在赛季结束前的3个月我一直都给这帮家伙带甜甜圈,果汁和报纸。但是当我开始在季候赛中 出场时,他们免除了我的这些任务。


一 切好像很突然,我开始每场都有固定的上场时间,虽然只有几分钟。在最后一场我有了更多的出场时间,得了12分10个篮板,我想我展示出了自己的能力。然而 我并不指望能在季后赛上场,我只希望自己不会在非激活名单里,但是我确实上场了!我很激动同时也准备好了面对挑战,这世上最坏的事情是什么?和德怀特做对 手。但这是我每天的必修课,所以我没有必要害怕别人。没人比他跳得高,没人比他壮,没人像他那么有统治力。世界上再也找不到这样的球员了。








德 怀特是我的导师。但是在练习中,我们相互促进. 他可以给我自信,我很欣赏像他这样的人。他挣了无数的钱,在饮料瓶上,城市里最大的广告牌上,任何地方都能发现他的脸。他有好几辆车,有保镖跟随,但是你 一点也不觉得他像个黑帮人物,他也不戴金链子之类的东西。他是一个很友善的人,你可以和他谈家庭,女人,电脑游戏,汽车等等。我听到很多有关科比,勒布朗 和加内特的故事,但是他们都和德怀特不同。幸亏有了他我在球队里的感觉好多了。他会叫你回防,发短信给你,帮助他的队友。他不会每天去外头寻欢作乐,他最 喜欢的只有篮球,或许还有电脑游戏。

我和德怀特有一个衣服上的交易。起因是杰米尔父亲的葬礼。我穿了一套我3年前买的西服,就是在选秀夜 那晚穿的那一套,看起来并不差。但是当德怀特看见我他对我说:“到我那边去一趟”。等我到了,一进门他就说:“到那件房的右手边选吧,随便拿什么都可以 ”。我走进那间屋顿时觉得自己到了购物中心,我实在没法相信眼前所看到的。我于是从衣架上取了衣服放到车上。现在我还去德怀特那里打劫衣服,因为我觉得他 的衣服我穿着很合适,而且我估计他花了好几十万美元在衣服上,引得我常常流连忘返。但是这无本交易以后可能行不通了,毕竟我也不再是个新人了。

德 怀特比我年轻但是有时我觉得他像我的哥哥,或者说表哥更贴切一些。特科格鲁更像我的哥哥。我们在一些敏感的问题上会用塞尔维亚语交流。不论是日常还是去客 场比赛他都很照顾我。有时他在场上会对我说:“今天我累坏了,你要注意点,一会我会传球给你。”德怀特从不会说这些。在波兰对意大利的比赛我得了28分, 赛后特科格鲁发短信给和我打趣:“防守你的是不是个瞎子?”



我 们每天训练一次,所以我有很多闲暇的时间。有些NBA的球员没有好好的利用这些时间使得他们最终失去竞争力而离开联盟。我用这些时间参加了西班牙语课程, 做了些房地产投资,还有一些投资由我的哥哥帮我打理。当然,少不了玩的时间:水上摩托,彩弹射击,打靶,和朋友见见面,电影院等等。你说有没有参加晚会? 我如果说没有肯定是骗人的。因为老队员有决定权。如果他们定下了开晚会,我也不能说不。所以很不幸的,有时我还是得去的。

这个赛季我还没 在更衣室里见过大麻。我们每个赛季要检查4次,而且惩罚是十分严厉的,即使是傻瓜也会放弃做这种事情。我不清楚别人在休赛期会不会尝试这些,至少我是绝对 不会碰的。我也不喝酒。我整年都如此努力的训练来保持良好的体形,不想因为一些愚蠢的爱好而前功尽弃。但是我知道在晚餐的时候喝杯酒是件好事,为了健康着 想。


我的第一桶金几乎已经光光了。这里交交税,那里租个房子,就只剩2千美元了。当然现在宽裕多了。NBA里有一个有趣的针对球员的投资基金。任何球员付1.5万美元一年, 联盟就也会付1.5万,到你50岁的时候你就可以得到3百万。

我 知道美元在贬值但是我并不是很关注。我并不是为了钱而打球,不然我可以去巴塞罗那或者贝纳通队。我十分喜欢奥兰多,明年我的合同就要到期了,这让我觉得十 分为难。但是如果魔术提出一份百万级别每赛季的合同即使那只有假设说老鹰出价的一半,我还是会留在这里因为我知道球队重视我。但是如果魔术不欣赏我给出和 我现在持平的工资我可能不得不选择一个别的希望得到我的球队,当然我很不希望这样的事情发生。




我 的缺点?首先,我需要在跌进同一个坑差不多20次才能学会下次要避开它。第二,我对人有时容易过于傲慢。在健身房里有时训练助理说一些鄙视波兰人的话,我 就一定会不依不饶的给他颜色看,我知道这样不好。第三,我开车太快了。有次我在限速90公里的地方飙上了310,这是很愚蠢的。我还有很多球场上的坏习 惯。

Gortat recently gave a massive interview to one of Polish biggest newspapers. It's in Polish of course, but I'll try to translate as much as I can because it's worth it. Plenty insider info about NBA, the team and himself (Polish national team also, but I don't think you'd be interested). Hope you'll enjoy reading although my English is far from perfect... Here's the link:


"At the beginning I was out of rotation in Orlando. I felt coaches don't have confidence in me. But I played with many teammates in summer league and preseason and I wasn't that bad against them. So I ddn't lose my faith in myself. OK, maybe in the middle of the season I was on the verge of breaking down. I trained 5 times a day and I was good and during games I sat down in suit behind the bench. I had a feeling 20 thousand people was looking at me sitting in that suit. It wasn't easy but I waited it through. Almost every rookie has to experience it.

During treinings I somehow impressed. I had a bet with Patrick Ewing that I can dunk from the free throw line. I won. I also bet with Carlos Arroyo that I can win with him one on one and I won too. One time after training I showed soccer tricks and guys were surprized.

The reason I didn'y play was unsufficient physical preparation. I played every day against Dwight HOward I after one hour I had enough. His dominance and energy was too much for me. So I commited to working out at the gym. I trained vary hard 4 times a week. Sometimes after gym session I felt like going home but I have to stay for another part of the training. I was at the facility at 8:30 - one hour at the gym with different trainer to each exercise then almost an hour of individual traing of moves in the paint and shooting and finally regular work out with the team. Sometimes a swimming pool too. There were moments when I sat doown in the locker and I had convultions. i had to quckly eat fruit, take a bath, have a dinner. And then sleep.

Very helpful in gaining the weight was my mom's two months stay in Orlando. She cooked me a couple of meals daily, I gained 5 kg (11 pounds). But I wasn't fatter, just stronger. My fat level is 3,9%.

Thanks to bigger strength I looked better during tranings. Dwight had sometimes problems with me, he had to hustle more. I also overpowerd Adonal Foyle who I outplayed only with quickness before. 12 kg (26 pounds) I gained during the season gave me so much.

I debuted in the NBA on the March 1st. There were a couple of injuries in the team. I sat on the bench for New York Knicks game but I felt this was my time. I felt great. I entered the game in the finishing part and I scored my first points in the NBA. I went past Eddy Curry from the baseline. To be honest he was very tired then and I was fresh but the whole bench exploded, everybody was cheering. I was very happy. And my mom watched me from the stand.

First time I saw Shaquille O'Neal was before our preseason game with Miami Heat. We finished our treining and they begun. And I wanted to watch my former teammate from Geermany. I talked on the phone and was looking at the floor from behind the curtain. Suddenly Shaq run over to the near basket. He was as big as basket's construction. He saw me and let me know that during the game he will hurt me with his elbow. But in the end he didn't played. I still hadn't played against him.

I had a few funny stories. Before our first preseason game Jameer Nelson and Dwight told me to go out first from the locker and go to the floor. I did and they held the rest of the team in the corridor. So I ran out to the middle of the floor alone. 18 thousand people cheered and the guys were rolling from laughter. I had a red face but I felt I was part of the team.

During on of the charity events Dwight announced that one of the prizes will be a dance with rookie from Poland. Luckily a woman won it, not some guy. And she was kinda pretty. We danced to the theme from "Titanic". Some other time I had to sing "Happy Birthday" at Dwight's birthday party. And during three last months of the season I brought guys donuts, juices and papers. But when I started playing in the play-offs they relieved me from this duty.

Those are nice things, certainly not a humiliation. That's the role of rookie in the NBA and I was the only one on the team. Next season Courtney Lee is going to bring me tea to the locker.

Suddenly I started playing regularly. Only a few minutes but almost in every game. In the last game I had more time. I had 12 points and 10 rebounds, I showed I can play. I didn't count on playing in the play-offs though. I only wanted to be in the active roster. But I started playing! I was excited but also ready for everything. I wasn't afraid. What could have happened to me? The worst - playing against Dwight - I had in my own team. Nobody jumps higher, nobody is stronger, nobody is so dominating. There's no such other player in the world.

I had a hard time playing against Rasheed Wallace from Detroit Pistons. He shoots, he plays back and front to the basket, he's aggressive and also very ****y. Although he desregarded me and I scored some points on him. It dramatically improved my position in the team.

I knew my chance were those three minutes when I entered the floor for Dwight. I was to jump, run, defend, fight to death. The coach told me: rebound, block, disturb the rival. Try to keep the score without Dwight. I had defensive duties.

I could try to play in the offense but not at any price. But when I got the ball on my positions there were no possibility not to take advantage of it. I practised those moves for 8 months so I tried to do that during the game.

After a year in the NBA I grew up. I'm stronger and I can be dangerous not only under the basket because I can shoot better now from longer distance. I can learn from my mistakes and I'm ready to accept challenges - being a leader of national team or pushing Magic when I come off bench.

Trash talking? I can talk that way but I rarely do it. One time I entered the game for 3 seconds just to commit a foul. I asked Wallace: "Which way you're gonna run because I need to foul you?" And he was like: "Not your fcuking business, just play." So I played. There was a foul. But I try not to be ****y on the floor.

Detroit destroyed us in the Conference semifinals. It showed we had too short bench and Dwight limited himself. It wasn't about Pistons knowlegde how to play against him. Dwight sent us all text messages later taking the blame for losing the season. But it wasn't the whole truth.

Dwight is 23, he regulary scores 20 points and rebounds, he didn't have a break last 4 years and he dominates in every game. He's the only player in the world to do such things but you can't expect that he suddenly will take over a whole planet by himself. He needs a group of talented people around him.

Dwight is my mentor, but outside the floor. During practice it happens that it's me who has more remarks about his play then he about mine. But he can give me self confidence. I admire the man he is. He earns millions of dollars, you can see his face everywhere - from the beverage bottles to the biggest billboards in the city. He has a few cars, bodyguards but there's no gangsta feel around it, no gold chains and stuff. He's very nice man. You can talk with him about family, girls, computer games, cars. i heard different stories about Kobe Bryant, LeBron James or Kevin Garnett and there's really a huge difference between them and Dwight. Thanks to him we feel so much better in the team. He calls you back, send text messages, helps his teammates. He's not into partying and girls every day. Only thing he takes an interst in is basketball, maybe computer games.

I had a "garment deal" with him. It started from Jameer's father funeral. I put on the suit I bought three years ago, especcialy for the draft night. It didn't look that bad but when Dwight saw me he said: "Come to my place". I entered and he says: "Go to that room and pick from everything that is on the right hand side". I went in and felt like in the mall. I even didn't think what i took. I just took the stuff from the hangers and put it in my car. And I still get clothes from Dwight beacause it appeared that his clothes suit me perfectly. And as he probably spends hundred thousand of dollars on clothes so a lot stays for me. But it's probably going to change because I no longer will be a rookie.

Dwight's younger than me but in some sense he's like my older brother. Or maybe not, he's rather like cousin. Hedo Turkoglu is like my brother. I talk with him in Serbian on some serious issues. He takes care of me during the day and when we are on the road. Sometimes he tells me on the floor: "Today I'm exhausted. Look out, I will be passing you the ball". Dwight would never say that. After Poland's game with Italy when I scored 28 points he texed me: "Were the opponensts blind?"

Driving through Orlando you pass Tiger Woods', Vince Carter's, Shaq's and other stars' houses. I live in good neighbourhood outside of town, near the lake. I have 5 rooms, 4 bathrooms, and a garage for 2 cars. But I only have one car - BMW M5 - the best it could be.

I feel very good in this kind of surroundings. It's obvious that having money, beautiful house, nice car gives me more and more respect. Now it's all on me how I will deal with it. I'll never forget people thanks to who I'm here (...).

We practice once a day so I have much free time. There were players in the NBA who didn't use it properly and now they are out of the league. I took Spanish lessons, I invest in real estate and some , othher things my brother takes care of. But there's always time for fun - PWC's, paintball, shooting range , meetings with friends, cinema. Parties? I would lie saying there are no parties. But it's all in team's elders jurisdiction. If they decide we go out, I can't say no. Sometimes I have to go, unfortunately.

I see no marujuana in the locker during the season. We have tests 4 times a season and the penalties are so severe that even the stupidest players give up on it. I don't know what they do during the offseason. I was never into it. I don't drink alcohol either. I work so hard for the whole year to get into good shape and I don't wanna lose it because of stupid fun. But I know it's good to drink a glass of wine during the supper. Just for health.

We are one of two NBA teams whith its own plane. Comfortable seats, a screen for everyone, fruit bar, a cook, everything's perfect. Although one time our engine started to burn and we had to make emegrency landing. I didn't panicked because I was sleeping and didn't know what's going on.

A couple of my first chacks had no value. Tax here, rate for a house there and I was left with 2 thousand dollars. Now it's better. And a intersting thing. NBA runs a investment fund for players. Everybody pays in 15 thousand a year, the league pays another 15 thousand. After you turn 50 you can get 3 million dollars.

Dollar is losing it's worth but I don't pay attention. I'm not playing for money. If I did I would go to Barcelona or Benetton Treviso. I like Orlando very much. The situation in which I have to change the franchise next year would be extremely difficult for me. But if Orlando offer me million dollar per season and ie. Atlanta Hawks half as much, I'd stay here because I feel great. But if the Magic don't appreciate my work and offer me the same wage as now I can chose a better offer from different franchise. Unfortunately.

On the other hand I realize I'll have to leave Orlando. I simply have no intention of being Dwight's substitute for the rest of my career. And I'm never gonna get in front of him in the rotation.

One of my dreams is to become the best Polish player ever. The closer dreams are to gain a strong position as a backup in Orlando, medal at European Championship then a spot in the starting lineup in the NBA. It's plenty hard work.

Do I feel like a star? Certainly not. But somethings happening around me lately. I feel a regular human being - I eat, drink water, practise, sleep 8 hour a day. Playing in the NBA and good games in the national team are only about my hard work. And every good game gives me more confidence. I feel confident.

My shortcomings? First: I need to make a mistake like 20 times to make a conclusion and learn something out of it. Secondly: I easily get prejudiced towards people. Trainer's assistant in the gym said something stupid about Polish people and I know that on next occasion I'll do everything to make his life miserable. And I know it's bad. Thirdly: I drive to fast. It happens that I drive 310 km\h when I shouldn't drive more than 90. It's total stupidity. And I still have too much bad habits on the floor.

原文标题: 空缺
原文作者: ...同空缺

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