
Friday, October 10, 2008

[HC_TSL_No.8]Hey, I'm right about Redick

原文标题: Hey, I'm right about Redick

COMMENTARY Orlando Magic
Hey, I'm right about Redick

J.J.-mania is difficult to comprehend

Until further notice, you are now entering the No-J.J. Zone.

After today, this column space is the only place you can go in this entire town that will be absolutely and completely J.J.-free.

Until J.J. Redick actually does something notable in a real NBA game (not the 12 points he scored in that laughable 118-80 exhibition victory Wednesday against the Charlotte Bobcats), you will not see his name or his face anywhere near this column.

I just can't take it anymore. Every time I open up the sports section, every time I turn on a sports radio show, every time I click onto a Magic message board, all you see or hear is J.J., J.J., J.J.

I called up Sentinel Magic writer Brian Schmitz's blog Wednesday at and three of the four most recent posts were about J.J. For crying out loud, look at all the pictures of J.J. around this column. Even our photographer Gary Green is infatuated with the guy. The only way J.J. could possibly get more publicity is if he were having an affair with Sarah Palin. He gets more media attention in this town than Casey Anthony's trash.

Coming soon: Nancy Grace shrieking into the camera: " Stan Van Gundy must be held accountable. He must play J.J. Redick now!"

Believe me, I know this isn't J.J.'s fault. He doesn't ask for all the attention and, in fact, seems a little embarrassed about being perhaps the most beloved benchwarmer in the history of sports.

"You get a little tired of it and it wears on you a little bit," Redick admits. "Everywhere I go in town, I always see somebody -- whether it's a waiter in a restaurant or a teller at a bank -- who says, 'I sure hope you play more this year.' "

This strange fascination with J.J. remains one of the most puzzling phenomena in sports. I've said many times that there's never been a guy sitting at the end of the bench who occupies such a large space in the heart of the fans.

Magic fans actually come to games hoping to see the third-team shooting guard play. Isn't this a little like going to a Springsteen concert to catch a glimpse of the tambourine player?

Van Gundy likens the situation to the backup quarterback traditionally being the most popular player on an NFL team. Good comparison -- but only if the backup quarterback were Tim Tebow and the team was the Jacksonville Jaguars.

When J.J. came off the bench and entered the lineup during Wednesday's game, the crowd roared. When he drained two straight jumpers to help lift the Magic to a 40-9 first-quarter lead, the place went crazy.

Good grief, was this a Magic preseason game or Duke in the Final Four?

(We now interrupt this J.J. column to inform you that the Charlotte Bobcats were so bad Wednesday night that I think I saw Larry Brown looking for another job at halftime. And our apologies to the Magic for second-guessing them on drafting Fran Vazquez over Sean May. At this point, Vazquez looks like the better pick).

We now resume with our regularly scheduled column.

As the months and years pass with J.J. sitting on the bench, you keep thinking the obsession might fade, but it just keeps getting stronger. It was fueled once again this week when the Magic picked up the option on J.J.'s contract and Van Gundy said that if the season started now J.J. would be in the rotation.

Translation: "Hey, Magic fans, get your season tickets today!"

As long as Van Gundy is telling fans what they want to hear, why doesn't he also declare Shaq is coming back, the Pistons have moved to the Western Conference and there will be free beer at the arena this season?

As you can tell, I'm just a tad skeptical about J.J. suddenly becoming a factor at shooting guard. You simply can't ignore the fact that the Magic used their first-round draft pick to take rookie shooting guard Courtney Lee and then used their remaining salary cap space to sign free-agent shooting guard Mickael Pietrus.

Don't get me wrong, I hope Magic fans get their wish and J.J. becomes a regular contributor. The fact is, he is fun to watch because nobody on the team shoots it like he does.

But I'll believe it when it actually happens in a real game. Let's see how the situation plays out during the three weeks leading up to the regular-season opener Oct. 29.

Until then, welcome to the No-J.J. Zone.

Mike Bianchi's Open Mike blog can be read at, and he can be reached at

Hey, I'm right about Redick October 9, 2008






要知道在周三比赛那天,OrlandoSentinel.com上布莱恩.施密茨(Brain Schmitz)的博客发表的最新四篇文章中,三篇与J.J.有关。更让人抓狂的是,看看我们这个专栏附近的无所不在的J.J.的图片吧,甚至连我们的摄影师加里.格林(Gary Green)也完全沉浸在J.J.中不能自拔。J.J.的知名度是如此之高,以至于要想继续提高恐怕只能借助和莎拉.帕琳(Sarah Palin, 著名女政客,见注1)搞出点事情了。在这个城市,他得到的关注甚至比凯西.安东尼(Casey Anthony, 最近的一个轰动本地的女童失踪案件女主角,见注2)拙劣的谎言还要高。

看看即将播出的节目是什么?南希.格雷斯(Nancy Grace)对着镜头歇斯底里:“斯坦范甘迪要对他让J.J.作板凳的行为负责,他必须立刻让J.J.上场!”


“这让人觉得有点累,这样的关注消耗了我的精力,” 罗迪克承认。“在这个城市我不论走到哪处,总会遇到一些人,不论是餐厅的侍者还是银行的出纳,他们都会对我说,‘我相信你今年一定会有更多的出场机会。’”


实际上,魔术的球迷到场内看球就是希望看到那个魔术第三梯队的得分后卫上场比赛。 这情况难道不像是在一场古典音乐会上寻找一个电吉他手一样吗?

范甘迪现在的情况就像置身于NFL(美国职业橄榄球联赛)中,在那里有个传统,替补的四分卫往往是最受欢迎的球员。你要是觉得这是个很好的类比,那也得在四分卫是Tim Tebow(佛罗里达大学橄榄球队的超级新星)而球队是杰克逊维尔美洲虎(Jacksonville Jaguars, 佛罗里达州的NFL球队)的情况下才对。



(我们现在就将中止专栏中有关J.J.的内容,因为我们认为周三的比赛不能说明问题。夏洛特山猫实在是太差了,以至于我觉得拉里.布朗在中场休息的时候已经可以开始着手寻找他下课后的新工作了。我们还要对当初鄙视魔术的决定道歉,他们选择了弗兰.瓦兹奎兹(Fran Vazquez,魔术2005年首轮第11位)而放过了肖恩.梅(Sean May,山猫2005年首轮第13位)。现在看来,瓦兹奎兹似乎是个更好的选择。)





你知道,我只是对J.J.突然成为得分后卫上的一个重要元素抱有怀疑态度。你不能忽视魔术在这个夏天的行为:他们用首轮选秀权拿下了康特尼.李,一个得分后卫,然后用剩下的薪水空间签了一个自由球员,迈克尔.皮特鲁斯, 还是一个得分后卫。

不要误会,我不是J.J.黑。就如每个魔术的球迷期望的那样,我也希望J.J.能够成为魔术常规阵容的一分子。 但事实是,他现在只是看起来很美,因为球队里没人能像他那样投篮。



注1,Sarah Palin:阿拉斯加州第一位女性政要,共和党总统候选人麦凯恩的竞选搭档。最重要的是,她曾获得某选美比赛的冠军...

注2,Casey Anthony:最近的一档儿童失踪案的核心人物,其女儿Caylee刚蹒跚学步,却被报失踪。问题是被报失踪的时间距离事件发生的真实时间已隔一个月,而作为母亲的Casey更是在问询中漏洞百出,谎言屡屡被揭穿,目前女童仍在搜寻中,受到舆论的广泛关注。

原作者Mike Bianchi,他的博客:Open Mike blog的地址是, 邮件

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