
Sunday, September 7, 2008

[HC_TSL_No.1]Rockets retire ‘It’s Time’ to run with ‘Get Red’

Hoop China translation work No.2

Many things are learned from this joyful work, through Calorie is just a currency in Hoopchina. It's really a time-costing job, almost took me more than 8 hours to finish it. Many words sould refer to MW to find the acture meaning.
There are many mistakes in my first job, but this time, it sounds like better.

It’s Time升级版出炉,与火箭一起红起来
休斯敦商业杂志,记者Greg Barr

Rockets retire ‘It’s Time’ to run with ‘Get Red’

Houston Business Journal – by Greg Barr Reporter


为了迎接新赛季,休斯敦火箭队提出了新的口号。“红起来”(Get Red)将取代一年前的“It’s Time”.


因此,“Get Red”成为火箭的新标语,并将在本周拉开帷幕的火箭2008-2009赛季市场营销中崭露头角。这次活动的开始时间定于9月7日,首先将会推出一系列红色(球队球衣主色)主导的海报,图案背景为休斯敦城市轮廓或丰田中心内景,前景为火箭队球员。

火箭副总裁兼首席策略官(CSO)克里斯•达西(Chris Dacey)谈到,火箭选择采用主题色的方式来推广球队品牌,并与城市联系起来,突出一种热力四色的主场气氛。

“Get Red”与2007-2008赛季的“It’s Time”有鲜明的对比。“It’s Time”是一种无畏的宣言,暗示球队做好了准备成为季后赛的挑战者。虽然火箭的22连胜,历史连胜第二的记录燃起了球迷无限的期待和遐想,但是在季后赛 第一轮中,他们却遗憾的在与劲敌犹他爵士的比赛中突然死亡。


为了体验看台上的流动的红色海洋, 球迷不得不在这个赛季为球票付出更多的钱。

许 多最低价的在球场碗状区域上部的座位仍会保持原来10或15美元的价格,一些价格高昂的贵宾席也会维持原来350美元的售价。价格提升的影响主要体现在中 档座位上,如在碗状区下部的4274个座位的价格分别从原来的58美元,和70美元上升到63美元和75美元,各自提升了5美元。

随着在休赛期签入罗恩•阿泰斯特(Ron Artest)以及北京奥运会上姚明和路易斯•斯科拉(Luis Scola)分别代表中国和阿根廷在比赛中的高出镜率和精彩表演,购买火箭队本赛季季票的球迷蜂拥而至,这都是出于对球队本赛季主场比赛高涨的期望。

火 箭官员称今年的季票销量已经远远的超过了上赛季的7000张,虽然他们并没有透露具体的数字,但是我们可以从另一个方面更直观了解球票销量的喜人状况。即 据球队球票销售副总裁塞里斯•考德威尔(Seliece Caldwell)所说,球队的91份高级套票目前只剩2份未售出。

考 德威尔说,球队目前还正在建设4个新的场边套票区。这片区域原来是WNBA休斯敦彗星队(Houston Comets)的球员休息室,但是今年彗星队的主场从丰田中心搬到了Reliant Arena,因此也就空了出来。至于场边原有的14个套票区,已经早早就销售一空。


达西说,从现在到10月29日揭幕战对孟菲斯灰熊的这段时间里,火箭的销售部门将对“Get Red”这个主题进行声势浩大,令人窒息的宣传活动。

为了体现“Get Red”这个主题,火箭队的球员将在揭幕战那天晚上身着全红的客场比赛服,同时丰田中心会将红色的火箭T恤分发给球迷。球队还希望在那天能创造一个新的吉尼斯世界纪录:即世界上绘脸(即在脸上彩绘)人数最多的一场比赛。


“我们将会在所有的活动中使用‘Get Red’这个口号,希望它能使人们以听到就自然的联想到火箭队这个品牌。”达西说。

Adam Nisenson是Active Imagination(一家休斯敦的体育销售和品牌公司)的拥有者兼创意总监。他认为火箭将营销活动从对成功的许诺(即上赛季的It’s time)中脱离出来具有重大的意义。

“ 营销活动的关键是它应该是贯穿整个赛季的,不论球队正在输球还是赢球。”Nisenson说,“在这个城市,对于一个营销活动来说首要的是理清它的目标。 火箭的赛季和职业以及大学橄榄球比赛还有其他的娱乐活动如休斯敦戏剧区(Houston Theater District, 著名戏剧区,号称在美国仅次于百老汇)相重叠,所以你的口号一定要能够给你的观众深深的触动和共鸣,你需要努力吸引那些非季票持有者,那些每年可能只会来 看一两次比赛的球迷。”

原文标题: Rockets retire ‘It’s Time’ to run with ‘Get Red’
原文作者: Greg Barr

Rockets retire ‘It’s Time’ to run with ‘Get Red’

The Houston Rockets have drafted a fresh slogan for the new season. “Get Red” has been recruited to replace “It’s Time,” which is being retired after one year.

All things red stood out in a recently conducted brand awareness survey by the National Basketball Association team.

As a result, “Get Red” will be the rookie tagline this week when the Rockets roll out the marketing campaign for the 2008-2009 season. The campaign kicks off Sept. 7 with the first of a series of billboards depicting players melded with a Houston skyline or inside the Toyota Center, dominated by the team’s red uniform color.

Chris Dacey, vice president and chief strategy officer, says the Rockets chose the color theme to promote the team’s distinct brand, ties to the city and emphasize a lively atmosphere at home games.

“Get Red” is a stark contrast to the tagline used during the 2007-2008 season. “It’s Time” made a bold statement suggesting that the team was ready to be a serious playoff contender. Although the Rockets captivated fans during a 22-game winning streak — the second-longest in NBA history — the team was unceremoniously bounced by nemesis Utah Jazz in the first round of the post-season.

Says Dacey: “Any time you come out with a bold statement, it weighs on the perception of the team.”

Higher price expectations

While a sea of red flows through the stands, fans returning for this season will pay more for seats.

Many of the least expensive seats at $10 or $15 in the upper bowl area will be unchanged. So will some of the most expensive club seats at $350. The majority of the price hikes affect midrange seats. For example, the 4,274 seats in the lower bowl priced at either $58 or $70 will now cost $5 more, at $63 and $75, respectively.

With the off-season signing of Ron Artest and the high-profile showing of Rockets players Yao Ming and Luis Scola representing China and Argentina in the Beijing Olympics, the team reports surging season ticket sales — due to even higher expectations for this year’s on-court performance.

Officials say the Rockets are well ahead of last season’s 7,000 in season ticket sales, though they did not divulge the number. A more concrete indication of the team’s surge is the fact that only two of the team’s 91 upper-level suites are vacant at this point, according to Seliece Caldwell, the team’s vice president of ticket sales.

Caldwell says the team is also in the process of building out four new courtside suites previously used as the locker rooms for the Houston Comets women’s basketball team, which moved out of Toyota Center to play at Reliant Arena this year. The existing 14 courtside suites are also sold out for the 2008-2009 season.

The new suites — which sell in a range from $225,000 to $275,000 — include 12 courtside seats and a private bar and lounge.


Dacey says the Rockets’ marketing department will be running a full-court press to hype the “Get Red” theme until the regular season home opener Oct. 29 against Memphis.

Houston players will wear their all-red road game uniforms on opening night to emphasize the point, and Toyota will hand out red Rockets T-shirts to fans — when the team also hopes to set a new Guinness World Records mark for the most people wearing face paint at a game.

More details inside Toyota Center will also be subject to what Dacey describes as a “red-ification” of branding, from the color of plastic drink cups to the color of the Toyota vehicles parked along the concourse.

“We’ll be using the ‘Get Red’ message for everything we do out in the community, and hope it’s reflected with an association with the brand,” says Dacey.

Adam Nisenson, owner and creative director of Active Imagination, a Houston sports marketing and branding firm, says it makes sense for the Rockets to move away from a marketing campaign that makes promises of success, as was the case last season.

“The key to a marketing campaign is that it should last the entire season whether a team is winning or losing,” Nisenson says. “In this city, the main thing is that a campaign has to cut through the clutter. The Rockets season overlaps with pro and college football and all those other entertainment options like the Theater District, so your messaging has to really hit your target audience at a gut level. You’re trying to connect with a fan outside the season-ticket base who might only come once or twice a year.” • 713-395-9628

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